COVID-19 update – Pilates can still be your happy place :)

Hello everyone πŸ™‚

Just wanted to bring you an update during this time of uncertainty with the COVID-19 affecting so many parts of daily living!

Currently we will be running classes morning and evening, Monday to Friday, as well as classes Saturday and Sunday, however with slightly reduced options for classes available in each block of classes.

We have always maintained a high level of hygiene in the studio, enforcing the use of socks as well as each and every reformer that gets used being wiped down with anti-bacterial wipes after each use.

During this period of precautions with COVID-19 we are expecting the following during this time;

  • If you have any symptoms of being unwell you do not present at the studio, either while symptomatic or in the 14 days following.
  • If you have come into contact with anyone considered high risk (either diagnosed with Corona virus, has been in close contact with someone who has or anyone who has recently returned from travelling overseas) we ask that you refrain from attending the studio.
  • If you yourself have recently travelled overseas, please adhere to the government recommendation regarding quarantine (14 days).

For your own peace of mind, we also suggest the following;

  • Wash your hands in the bathroom next door to the studio or use the hand sanitiser provided in the studio prior to classes
  • You are welcome to give your Reformer a wipe over BEFORE the class commences as well as after if you prefer
  • Adopt a β€œno touch” approach with other clients – hugs, kisses, hand shaking, etc.

We are pleased to be able to keep the studio open for you at the moment and hope that amidst all the uncertainty that has been going on, that Reformer Pilates can still your happy place, your β€œme” time and an integral part of you staying strong and healthy during this time πŸ™‚

If anything changes regarding small exercise classes/studios being advised to cease temporarily, I’m sure you know this business well enough by now to know that we are client centred and we will OF COURSE look after you when it comes to retaining your passes, expiration dates will be extended as per necessary in the event of this occurring.

Stay safe πŸ™‚
Emma and the team xx


*Expires 3 weeks (21 days) from date of purchase